Three Reasons Why You Should never buy a bike on Amazon.
It’s seems like such a simple solution. Order your bike online, it gets shipped directly to you and you get to ride. Well…. it’s not...

Let Me See Your Hips Shake
How does cycling improve your hip tightness or hip pain ? If there’s one thing my husband knows is there is spot in my hips that when...


Meet your Solution to your Resolution for 2016
Jonny Rock Bikes is so excited to present to you (2) Amazing lines of bicycles for 2016! ....... Norco Bicycles & SE Bicycles ..........
WCCO voters voted Jonny Rock Bikes LLC as the best shop in the state of Minnesota for a tune up! THANK YOU ! http://minnesota.cbslocal.co...

The Jonny Rock Fat Bike - Is here!
I've always wanted to do more for my customers and I love building bikes!!!!!! So what did I do? I Found our own FAT BIKE! This is a...
Jonny Rock Fat Bike
Coming soon, our very own FAT BIKE! - We have found a way to get a bike custom built at a lower price than most of these bikes! Yes there...

Jonny Rock Car !
Keep your eyes peeled on the streets for the NEW Jonny Rock Bikes Car ! If you see the car out and about and its safe, snap a pic and up...

With change comes ?
NEW SHOP in 2014 /2015 .... NEW Son Sept 2014 We strive to make sure you are 100% happy , please keep us in mind if you have a issue. I...